Josiah's preparations are well underway; he has been training hard, climbing, jogging and stretching. We have been familiarising ourselves such varied topics as hand luggage restrictions on international flights, drug tests at sporting events and the World Anti-Doping Agency prohibited list, European geography, the IFSC rules in force at the World Youth Championship, and the options available to a fourteen year old for carrying money to spend in a foreign country. Josiah and Tessa have had fun finding useful and not-at-all-useful phrases in a French phrase book. Useful: Je suis végétalien (I am vegan). Not useful: Veux-tu m'épouser? (Will you marry me?).
Josiah says:
I am feeling excited about the trip.
I am looking forward to competing, seeing really good climbers climb and experiencing the different holds, routes and walls. It will be cool training with the others in the team because I haven't climbed much with any of them except in the competitions.